Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is a valuable service offered by Dental Care of Muskogee to help patients manage anxiety and discomfort during dental procedures. This type of sedation comes in the form of a pill that you swallow before your care and allows patients to relax and feel at ease while receiving necessary dental care from Dr. Roger Richter.

Oral conscious sedation is recommended for patients who experience dental anxiety, or who are undergoing extensive or invasive procedures that may be uncomfortable or time-consuming. Additionally, individuals with a strong gag reflex or those who find it challenging to sit still for extended periods may benefit from this service.

Before the procedure, our dentist will review your medical history to ensure that oral sedation is a safe option for you. Typically, you will be prescribed a sedative medication to take before your appointment. While you will remain conscious and responsive, you will be in a state of calm and reduced anxiety.

Oral conscious sedation offers several advantages, most specifically a more comfortable and less stressful dental experience. It allows us to perform procedures more efficiently and may reduce the need for multiple visits. Patients often report improved overall dental health, as they are more likely to schedule and attend regular check-ups and treatments without anxiety hindering their decisions. Additionally, it can be an excellent option for individuals with busy schedules, as they can accomplish more in one visit. Overall, oral conscious sedation empowers patients to take control of their oral health while minimizing stress and discomfort. Call us at 918-682-5518 to schedule your next visit, and to discuss your options for oral conscious sedation in Muskogee, Oklahoma.

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Contact our office today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Richter, and start your journey toward a better smile.

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